Note: The City of Albany places Bids and Proposals on behalf of the Dougherty County Board of Commissioners. A search for these proposals can be accessed at the City of Albany website in the e-procurement database. Documents can be requested via email to the City of Albany’s Administrative Coordinator at [email protected]. or by contacting the Procurement office at 229.431.3211. Please be sure to state the purpose of your email in the subject line. All unknown mail with unclear subject lines or mail marked as “spam” will be deleted and not read.
Current bids and proposals for the Dougherty County Board of Commissioners are available to all interested vendors. Most bid/proposal documents are available for download via the Georgia Procurement Registry (active link to Vendors are encouraged to search the Georgia Procurement Registry, the County’s preferred eProcurement system.
Bids and proposals must be mailed or delivered in a sealed envelope or package that is clearly marked with the bid/proposal reference number and the bidder/proposer’s name and contact information. Bids/Proposals cannot be submitted directly to the City of Albany Procurement via email or facsimile. All unsealed bids/proposals will not be accepted and will be shredded or deleted immediately. Sealed bids and proposals must be received at the City of Albany Procurement Division at 222 Pine Avenue, Suite 260, Albany, Georgia 31701. Bids are due before 2:30pm and proposals are due before 5pm on the advertised dates listed. Bidders/Proposers are responsible for getting all addenda. Prior to submitting your bid, please check the Georgia Procurement Registry (active link to or call the Procurement office for any subsequent addenda.
Dougherty County Board of Commissioners Procurement Staff includes: Jawahn Ware, Procurement Manager; and Darlene Hollis, Procurement Specialist.
Office location is 222 Pine Avenue, Suite 540
Albany, Georgia 31701.
Phone: 229.431.2121
Fax: 229.438.3967.