About Solid Waste Management

The Dougherty County Solid Waste Management/Landfill began operation in February of 1983. The Landfill was budgeted under the General Fund until July 1, 1990 when the Dougherty County Board of Commissioners established a Solid Waste Enterprise Fund. Under the direction of the Solid Waste Director, the Solid Waste Fund is responsible for receiving, processing and disposing of all solid waste generated in Dougherty County. The County Landfill disposes of approximately 400 tons of waste per day.

Operation hours for customers Monday - Friday, 7:30 am to 5pm, Saturday 7:30 am to 12pm, and closed most public holidays.

New landfill scale house number 229-302-3226.

Contact Information:

900 Gaissert Road

Albany, Georgia 31705

Main: (229) 420-1050

Fax: (229) 430-3046